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Jackie Rowan
Jun 26, 20221 min read
Let it Go - You can't control everything.
18th June 2022
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Jackie Rowan
May 8, 20221 min read
Inspiration: Stress vs Burnout
On a work call last week, I was interested to notice the different responses of my various colleagues to a tricky situation. Afterwards,...
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Jackie Rowan
Jul 4, 20201 min read
'To do or not to do' to paraphrase The Bard
This past couple of weeks I've been adding classes to my schedule and getting used to the new routine. I'm a big fan of 'To Do' lists...
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Jackie Rowan
Jul 4, 20201 min read
STOP beating yourselves up people!
'How often lately have you stopped and appreciated yourself or something you've done?' OK - while you try and think back to when you last...
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Jackie Rowan
Jul 4, 20202 min read
Make sure to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others!
Anyone who has ever traveled by plane will have heard this phrase. Flight attendants rattle it off before every flight and we all nod and...
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Jackie Rowan
Jul 4, 20201 min read
What makes YOU healthy?
This past week I have been talking to people about what helps them stay healthy. For some people this is all about diet or physical...
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Jackie Rowan
Jul 4, 20202 min read
Embrace your imperfections
Welcome to my first weekly post, where I plan to share what's been going on in my classes this week and let you know about anything...
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Jackie Rowan
Jul 4, 20201 min read
Breath work with Max Strom
I was so fortunate today to be able to attend two workshops at Cherry Blossom Yoga with Max Strom. 'The WHO has stated that by 2020, depres
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